An Abbey

Still in Dorset we went on a church crawl today kicking off with Milton Abbey. It is beside what is now Milton Abbey School. 

A Postcard from Cheltenham

No, no, no I’m not in Cheltenham but I got this postcard sent from there. To slip in a quick digression, Gustav Holst was born there in 1874. Fancy that. I’d thought he was German and indeed on his father’s side he is a Latvian, Swedish, German mongrel.

Categorised as Sculpture

George Broad

Wonderful Wiki’s entry for Margravine Cemetery is woefully out of date. Thanks to the ardour, hard work and pertinacity of The Friends of MC there are now four listed buildings/memorials and the cemetery has re-opened for burials.


The sermon last Sunday at The Royal Hospital was about baptism. The Chaplain (I prefer padre) recounted that he had been to where John the Baptist baptised Christ in the Jordan.

Every Object Tells a Story

I have been to two artists’ studios this week. Sir John Lavery lived at 5 Cromwell Place from 1899 – 1940. To remind, he was born in Belfast and died in Co Kilkenny in 1941, aged eighty-four. In between he was painting in London.

Capability Brown

My brother continues to enhance and extend the gardens at Barmeath. There is a new summer house in the walled garden, new beds and paths and a maze. He is a latter day Capability Brown.

Two Recliners

I am partial to reclining effigies like the Fettiplaces and this is a cracker in the South Transept of Bath Abbey. I saw it yesterday.

Just a Minute

I try to avoid hesitation, repetition, and deviation. I fail lamentably with deviation and there is an element of repetition today.

Stead, Journalist

It is 8.44 miles from my front door to The Water Poet near Liverpool Street. I don’t have a pedometer but Uber faithfully records the mileage and notes that I was picked up at 6.13 pm after a lunch that began at 12.30.

Santa Cruz Islands

The red pin marks the Santa Cruz Islands. It also represents the end of one story and the beginning of another. The first is about James Goodenough.