I had a little rant about some modern architecture in July 2015 which I expect you’ve forgotten by now; I almost have, as Queen Elizabeth I said about something different. I refreshed my memory by re-reading Athens, 1931.
Category: Sculpture
Grecian Bronzes
Highgate Revisited
Lest We Forget
Local News
A Win-Winn Situation
Long Walks
I don’t have anything by Richard Long (above) but he often comes to mind. First because I was given a large well-illustrated catalogue for his exhibition at Tate Britain in 2009. Secondly, because I went to and was greatly impressed by the exhibition and thirdly because he works in a way unlike any other artist… Continue reading Long Walks
In Memoriam
Onyx and Vanstone
Were this post to be about Lord Carrington it would be jolly long and, I like to think, of absorbing interest. In fact I’m going to read his memoir, Reflect on Things Past, published in 1988 by Collins. Soldier, politician, statesman does not do him justice. He is a patron of the arts – I… Continue reading Onyx and Vanstone