In the Dog House

I was in the dog house again on Sunday afternoon. At least that’s where I thought I was until I found that I was in the Bertha DocHouse. And who you may ask is Bertha?

Going Out with a Bang

Nearly ten years ago, on the 18th of December 2007, I shot at Ashcombe in Wiltshire as a guest of my Godson’s father. The birds are some of the most challenging anywhere and I prepared myself by booking a lesson at the West London Shooting School.

Categorised as Sport


There are now three crossings on the Forth. The new Queensferry bridge is on the right. But we don’t do new here, so let’s turn to an older bridge.

A Hit, a Very Palpable Hit

Last year the first day at Queen’s was a wash-out (Anyone for Tennis?). It’s a different story this year with weather so warm that I dispensed with a tie and even considered shedding my coat.

Another Bite

My fishing book does not mention the tarpon I hooked on the Belize River. It kept jumping out of the water and on one of these leaps I lifted the tip of my rod and the dead weight broke the line. It does mention a catch in Ethiopia.

Gone Fishing

It’s red pin time again. The Owenduff meanders through peat hags in Co Mayo towards the Atlantic. There are clumps of rhododendrons in blossom along its banks. A few scruffy sheep mooch about. The country looks devoid of any human habitation but on inspection there is a sprinkling of small houses.

British Boxers

British Boxers supply good quality clothing – I am a customer. Another British boxer is Tony Bellew. He has more titles than Prince Charles and he has made a small but significant difference to the lives of Bellews living in England.

Categorised as Family, Sport

Ear to the Ground

If you are under fifty you may want to skip today’s post – perhaps saying “what a saddo” on your way out.

Categorised as Family, Sport

Ban Driven Grouse Shooting

This is the title of a petition made to Parliament. As it has received  more than 100,000 signatures it is eligible to be debated later this year.