Reader’s Digest

If you wonder who reads my almost daily posts this may interest you.

Categorised as Technology

A Bulb Changer

As easy as changing a light bulb is an expression which may once have been valid but most certainly does not apply today.

New Tricks

My train journey to Suffolk on Wednesday morning was a conspicuous success. Hitherto I took the tube to overcrowded Liverpool Street and caught the train. This time I did it differently.


There’s always a reason but why is North Korea so bellicose? Internally there are signs of the economy becoming less centralised and surely the regime just wants to be left alone and to continue its despotic reign? Why attract the censure of the world?

Blue City

Friends have just come back from Jodhpur, known as the Blue City. Another Blue City is Chefchaouen in Morocco. As you know, things often come in threes and the third Blue City is closer to home.


I am singularly ill-qualified to write about electronic communication but that’s not going to stop me. Unbelievably, about twenty years ago my then employer, a major US and international insurance company that had diversified into financial services, did not provide its UK employees with e mail.

Categorised as Technology

Old Dog, New Tricks

New converts are always the most fervent, especially in the Catholic Church ever since St Paul saw the light. I notice this in myself.

Latte Delivery

The post was delivered six days a week at Barmeath by a postman on a bicycle. He pedalled up the drive and sometimes got a nip on the ankle from an elderly, testy Labrador for his trouble.

Why Showers Leak

I mentioned that the Courtaulds installed a cold shower at Eltham Palace when they made their home there in the 1930s. It took the rest of us in the UK a long time to catch on.