
I am singularly ill-qualified to write about electronic communication but that’s not going to stop me. Unbelievably, about twenty years ago my then employer, a major US and international insurance company that had diversified into financial services, did not provide its UK employees with e mail.

Categorised as Technology

Old Dog, New Tricks

New converts are always the most fervent, especially in the Catholic Church ever since St Paul saw the light. I notice this in myself.

Latte Delivery

The post was delivered six days a week at Barmeath by a postman on a bicycle. He pedalled up the drive and sometimes got a nip on the ankle from an elderly, testy Labrador for his trouble.

Why Showers Leak

I mentioned that the Courtaulds installed a cold shower at Eltham Palace when they made their home there in the 1930s. It took the rest of us in the UK a long time to catch on.

High Tide

Three years ago the BBC made a short film warning that flooding in Paris was inevitable and they have been proved correct. The last time the Seine rose to such high levels was in 1910 and, although it didn’t burst its banks, the flood spread through tunnels, sewers and drains causing much damage.

Roger le Poer, Pumping and Pele

Roger le Poer, better known maybe as Roger of Salisbury, is a Norman who rose from being a priest in a small chapel near Caen to being Bishop of Salisbury, Lord Chancellor and Lord Keeper of England in the reign of Henry I. This is (maybe) his effigy in Salisbury Cathedral.

Limestone Way, Day Three

Staying in pubs, the customer expects a comfy bed, wi-fi, an en suite bathroom with a shower and “products” – that’s little plastic capsules all full of the same grunge labelled shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel; most places, more or less, deliver.