How to be an STO

Who appoints the LTOs and STOs on an EOM? If you don’t know what the initials stand for, read yesterday’s post.

Mission to Moldova

I spent yesterday travelling to Chisinau on Turkish Airlines with a stop-over in Istanbul. I am here as part of an Election Observation Mission (EOM).

Javea Architecture

On the skyline, inland from the lighthouse, there are eleven disused windmills, mostly dating from the 18th century.


Do you remember when there were messages like this broadcast on Long Wave? ‘Would the driver of a blue Ford Anglia, registration number xxxx please call home as an emergency has arisen.’

Hermitage and Chapel

Let me introduce you to Santa Lucia. In her right hand she is strangling a frog, a bit of Catholic iconography with which I am unfamiliar.

To the Lighthouse

The villas in Javea cling to the hillside. Architecturally they are more imaginative than those I have seen around Malaga.

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Sea Views

Javea is bounded by two national parks; both are a little far to get to on foot from the Parador but the walks from the hotel are pretty good.

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Two Churches

Javea is a different kettle of fish to its neighbour on the Costa Blanca, Benidorm. Actually I’ve not been to Benidorm so maybe it is a city of culture with architectural integrity.


I’m champion at worrying. I think I learned it from my mother. This time last year I was in a stew about making a speech to the Loriners. Now, non-swank, I am a Freeman Loriner; a privilege not dependent upon being a fluent public speaker, fortunately.  

Categorised as Travel

Of Teeth and Travel

Cereal House on Mark Lane was home to the London Commodity Exchange when I started in the City in 1976. There were futures markets for sugar, coffee, cocoa, etc there, as well as a bar. In 1981 the grandly named International Petroleum Exchange opened in a room that had been home to a defunct futures… Continue reading Of Teeth and Travel