War and Peace, Part I

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery at Soúdha must be one of the most beautifully sited in the world. It is kept perfectly. The lawns had been watered the morning we visited.

Walking on Crete

These days it is hard to get off the beaten track but if that’s your kind of thing (it’s mine) Western Crete is for you. Olive trees out-number inhabitants by sixty to one; the scenery is spectacular; there is an abundance of churches and, at this time of year, lovely wild flowers. 

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On Crete

Thank you for happy birthdays in Comments and e mails. Margaret and Pam sifted the facts and correctly deduced that we are in Crete, scene of fierce fighting in 1941 (The Battle of Crete) and subsequent resistance. The Greek Orthodox Easter Sunday, this year, falls on Sunday next. And the musical birthday clue was When… Continue reading On Crete

Categorised as Travel


Pastoral appeared in Punch on 8th April, 1903. It is inappropriate this cold, rainy Eastertide. The weather (in the past Emphatically bitter), Seems to have changed at last. The birds begin to twitter.

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I’m a bit behind, chronologically. On Saturday morning I went to Albrecht Dürer’s house while Robert was playing in the quarter finals.

Categorised as Art, Travel

I’m into Something Good

An obsequious, chastened Pious brought him the gin on the stoop. Morgan poured two inches into a glass full of ice, added some bitters and a dash of water. He hated the drink but it seemed the apt thing to do; end of a tropical day, sundowners and all that.

Double Chapel

For lunch I had Fränkischer Pfefferschinken & Frankenthaler Käse and Apfelstrudel. Nuremberg Castle was built in the 11th century and played a central role in the history of Bavaria and Germany for almost 1,000 years, that is until 1945.


I had gulaschsuppe for lunch in Munich and am on an ICE train to Nuremberg.


Yesterday we walked to the Musée Cognacq-Jay for a dollop of culture. Lucky we didn’t want a scoop of pistachio ice cream because, like Edmund Crispin’s Moving Toyshop, Berthillon has disappeared.

Categorised as Art, Travel


It’s a treat to walk across Paris on Christmas Day. I enjoy the architecture and the views. They are not spoilt by a plethora of Christmas bling.

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