
“For every man hath business and desire.” You recognise  the words Shakespeare put into Hamlet’s mouth. I play a straight bat and will not hide from you my desire.

It’s somewhat shaming. In the early 1980s Guy M introduced me to Solpadeine as an excellent remedy for a hangover. The Solpadeine rule book, as recited by pharmacists, is no more than eight a day and for a maximum of three consecutive days. Most days I took between two and six and did so for more than thirty years. Now I realise that the tail is wagging the dog. I’m knocking them back not to alleviate a hangover but because I’m addicted.

Internet advice is to gradually reduce intake but that’s not my style. I have been codeine-free for six days now. The list of Solpadeine dependency symptoms reminds me of Jerome’s self-diagnosis in Three Men in a Boat. He concluded, after consulting a book in the British Museum, that he was suffering from every ailment except housemaid’s knee.

If you are reading this over breakfast do not read on. I have consulted this website and here are my symptoms: hypersensitivity, itching, skin rashes, drowsiness (usually at operas and plays), diarrhoea, flatulence, constipation, hearing problems and high blood pressure; in fact everything except impaired female fertility.