Oil is not above $75, the Labour party has not split and Don Cossack did not win The King George VI Chase at Kempton Park – all predictions made here – but I was right about something.
In April I wrote A Delicious Paradox, suggesting that if the UK electorate voted to leave the EU, Parliament would find some way to weasel out. A weasel is an animal one doesn’t see very often and can easily be mis-identified so may I share a tip passed on to me by my grandfather; a weasel is weasily identified because a stoat is stotally different. This is also an opportune moment to mention a conversation I had with Tom Hiddleston (Tom’s School Days). He was receptive to tips on acting technique so I told him about my performance in Wind in the Willows as Chief Weasel and my advice seems to have stood him in good stead. The cat, so prevalent on the internet, has hitherto been absent here but rules must be broken sometimes.

How the UK will exit the EU is a series of problems that I only partially understand. St Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians, wrote of looking through a glass darkly. Once I realised that he wasn’t partial to a pint of Guinness I took his point that some things are beyond our understanding. Anyway, the UK Supreme Court will have another stab at defining what powers Parliament has in the exit negotiations next month. The important point is that Brexit and this wrangling and weaselling is creating uncertainty. This uncertainty affects every one of us living in the UK. The so-called triple lock on state pensions may be abandoned, taxes may rise, benefits may be cut, borrowing may yet again rise – we simply don’t know. Inflation is rising and this trend seems likely to continue. It is unlikely that earnings will rise in line.
Already we have seen the price of Marmite rise. Might I suggest that you fill your cellar now – not with Marmite – with wines and spirits. The price of both will inevitably go up, driven both by weak Sterling and the possibility of higher taxation (under the guise of making us healthier).
If you think I’m glum you’re wrong. As you read this I am on my way to Wexford for two nights of opera and craic. I have a spare ticket for both tonight (Saturday) and tomorrow, so if you would like to come along as my guest get in touch by text or e mail. Oh dear, this is the first time I have resorted to naked bribery to my select band of readers.
Meanwhile, if you are feeling a bit depressed let’s hope it doesn’t come to this.
So far, the cost of liquor hasn’t deterred me from purchasing it.
Nevertheless, I live in hope (!)
Enjoy Wexford: Vanessa is rather marvellous (and given a wonderfully coherent production), but the Donizetti rather absurd.
My former piano teacher, Miss Reilly, always attended Wexford Opera; which would have been in the 70s.
At the moment, the song by Sir E John is appropriate for self : #I’m still standing… ha ha!