Easter Eggs

Sand Martin

The first sand martins were seen in Hyde Park this week.

Meanwhile the falcons are on day eighteen of incubating. The eggs should hatch after about thirty-five days. Azina does most of the sitting but Tom has done up to four hours. Once the eggs were left unattended for thirty minutes but Nathalie wasn’t worried.

The first green shoots are sprouting metaphorically at the local chemist.

I have booked a haircut and have two diary entries for outside dining at restaurants. Some friends are coming round today and tomorrow for drinks/lunch in the garden. It is making me a lot more cheerful. Even reading so much Wooster Sauce recently didn’t really chase away the Covid blues but some sort of normality seems to be returning.

My mojo must be returning because I’m finding things to complain about. The sound level for Radio 3 is significantly lower than for Radio 4; most annoying as I often switch between them. The recharging cables that came with my iPhone and iPad only a few years ago have both broken. Replacements are £19 each. Robert has just got an Apple Fitbit and it has a new magnetic cable. Looking on the bright side this is why funds invested in Apple are doing so well. But if you are a glass half empty type maybe it leaves a gap in the market for a more lower cost new entrant. Remember Nokia?