
The falcon chick born aloft Charing Cross Hospital is showing no signs of leaving his parents. As a single male he may never leave and in a few years may mate with his mother. He’s called Jack but Oedipus might be more apt.

This is an advertisement in the FTWeekend for a large, French, long-range, private jet. It breaks so many ad-industry rules; no dogs lolling on seats, no children and worst of all three tiny bottles of water (they don’t even look cold) instead of an excellent bottle of (French) wine and a bowl of fruit. A reason may be that you cannot “step into the tallest and widest cabin in the industry”.

Dassault Falcon 6X, Paris Air Show 2019.

It looked like this originally until the psychologists advised that having so much glass scares people 30,000 feet up. You cannot step into it because it has not been built. I wonder if it ever will? It’s a concept that will not fly until there are some orders in the book. I suppose it’s like putting a boy down for Eton or going on the waiting list for the MCC but with a bigger deposit.