Boodle’s, founded in 1762, is one of the oldest London clubs. White’s, 1693, is easily the oldest and Brooks’s comes a close third, 1764.
Boodle’s celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2012 and received birthday presents from other clubs around the world. I can imagine the scene around the committee table at the Melbourne Club, founded 1838. Some members, perhaps having visited Boodle’s and noted the prodigious amounts of brandy consumed, thought a device for warming a glass of brandy would be a practical addition to the furniture in the bar. Another equally vociferous faction wanted something representative of Australia. A stuffed toy in the shape of a koala bear was suggested by a timorous newcomer to the committee. He was shouted down with derision. An old timer then suggested a kangaroo’s foot that could be used as a back scratcher. The committee was split between the brandy warmers and the back scratchers. As so often happens a compromise was reached and the brandy warmer was incongruously attached to the kangaroo’s foot making for an unusual gift.
The title of today’s post references Ian Fleming’s and three generation of Blofelds’ Boodle’s membership.