Like me, Bertie doesn’t send Christmas cards but we both like getting them. This is his first, probably only one this year. He thinks the artist has been a little unfair – too much hangdog, hungover look. This is a better likeness.

I don’t send Christmas cards but I did post more than fifty for a friend. I cast my bread upon the waters. One of them was for me so inadvertently I sent myself a Christmas card – too sad-making. I got a card today from friends in London who know someone who has been vaccinated – hurrah! Inappropriately the card is of their Christmas tree (in 2019) with a rainbow in the background. I mean the rainbow content is inappropriate as now the jab is for real.
Another card is from a friend who just doesn’t get crosswords, so she will be all at sea with this clue in The Spectator. It perplexed me for a while because I could only think of Bertie Wooster, realising that the setter probably wasn’t referring to a labradoodle or a beagle, both called Bertie, although with Plum connections as it happens, or the Chairman Emeritus of The PG Wodehouse Society, Hilary Bruce.
Hilary, say, at home with Bertie or Charles de Gaulle? (8)
The Baroness, she hates being called that, knows the answer as she is a Spectator Crossword aficionado, a victrix lodorum, so I hope she won’t post the answer. The Berties are lucky …
Well it’s terminal, term-Hilary, in-at home, al-Bertie/Albert. I am sure everyone got it but didn’t want to post it in case they were dubbed a show off.
“Fine set of bollocks on your hound there, lady”, as I once heard a total stranger say to a friend (with a dog) I was accompanying on a walk.