“In or out, sir?” is what a barman says mixing a Pink Gin. It refers to the Angostura Bitters. But it already has a more important meaning in the UK as the promised In/Out referendum looms.
What’s the best way for Conservative europhiles to scupper the Out campaign? You’re spot on; appoint an 83 year old, long-retired politician to lead it.
Lord Lawson had a distinguished political career in the 1970s and 1980s. However, his economic judgement proved to be fatally flawed as he presided over an economy where inflation and interest rates both rose in a very un-Tory way. Recently he has been a vociferous sceptic of climate change. One thing he has been good at is losing weight. An undecided voter will hardly trust the opinion of a man with this record.
The Out campaign, if it is to gain traction, needs to be led by someone half his age who has shown that their judgement is to be respected and who can muster a broad base of support both in parliament and across the electorate. Boris is not the only candidate; Theresa May (if she wants the job), William Hague, even Nigel Farage but not John Redwood (too high a reading on the Bonkers Scale).
The optimum outcome will be if David Cameron secures enough EU reform to make the Out campaign almost redundant. That’s what I’m hoping for.