Jumping Jack

Fulham Reach, June 2020.

The willow threatened with felling is flourishing as is the peregrine falcon chick, forty-three days old yesterday.

Jack has mostly been eating parakeet but pigeon, starling and blackbird have been bagged by his assiduous parents to vary his diet. When he is not eating and sleeping he goes in for flapping and jumping in preparation for fledging. Forget Joe Wicks, work out with Jack Falcon. In previous years chicks have fledged by now. The longest wait has been until the Birthday Parade, on Saturday 13th June this year. It is being held at Windsor and will be televised by the BBC from 10.30 a.m. The annual Garter Service at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, has been cancelled.

The (Labour) Hammersmith and Fulham Council do a good job. They provide essential services and keep costs under control but they have a harmless compulsion. They can’t resist asking us what we think; in this case it’s local parks. Margravine Cemetery is maintained to a high standard by the council groundsmen and the only possible problem we have is the rising population of foxes. The survey asks how a diverse group of people can be involved in our parks. Robert suggests there should be more white drug dealers.



One comment

  1. Two encouraging pieces of news for nature-loving locals today. The developers have failed to remove the crack willow by the river and peregrines are eating the invasive parakeets. Perhaps the Council should consult Bertie about the foxes in the cemetery?

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