I noticed this sculpture for the first time today. It is in Duke’s Meadows, below Barnes Bridge. Meanwhile, and most noticeably, the box moth (Cydalima perspectalis) is back in west London in force.
It has completely destroyed this hedge in Margravine Cemetery.

Assiduous spraying is keeping it in check in my back garden but I see that people are surrendering and re-planting with yew. Property companies seem especially to favour yew as an alternative.

Here is an update on the birds in the cemetery.

Note that no peregrine falcons were spotted. They nest on the roof of Charing Cross Hospital. They are there because one was spotted from across the river at the London Wetlands Centre on 31st May.
2 Shelduck – wader scrape
1 Common Tern – reservoir lagoon
1 Peregrine – perched on the hospital
5 Shoveler – main lake, grazing marsh
8 Swift – main lake