How Peculiar

More than five years ago Bertie and I went to The Charterhouse. B was impossible on the tube, wriggling and squirming, and not very well behaved in the grounds of the C. He was a puppy.

Roy and Winston

I must digress before I begin. You will be aware I use Wikipedia a lot. Not so much now. When I ask Google a question AI Overview comes up with the answer. I now realise AI already touches all our lives.

I Believe

Belief is an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially without proof.

Silk Roads

Samarkand, spices, caravanserai, camels; we are on the Silk Road. So much more romantic then its modern manifestation: China’s Belt and Road project.

Hay Fever

Constable took trouble over The Hay Wain. He made a small sketch in oils and a full size sketch in oils. The former lives at The Yale Center and the latter in the V&A. Actually he did this for all his big landscapes.

Categorised as Art

Bertie Goes Shopping

Last Saturday Bertie and I got off the tube at Green Park. If he is asleep he wakes up to the command “Beagles alight”.

The Best of Irish

In truth this is no longer “new”; it was published in 1986.

Categorised as Poetry

The Rain in Spain

Unfortunately flooding in Spain is not new. The rain in Spain turns dry ravines into dangerous raging torrents.

Dunstable Downs

Yesterday we went on a 5 mile circular walk on the Dunstable Downs.

Categorised as Nature

The Famous Five

On a wet Sunday afternoon at boarding school time seems to pass slowly. Today a week passes more quickly. This is because aged eight a single afternoon takes up as much memory space as a month now that my memory has become chocker.