Splash Out

Would you want your wife or servants to see you in a car like this?

Breasts and Bottoms

Litter is a First World problem but I live in the First World and I don’t like litter, unless it’s a litter of beagle puppies.

Ukrainian Themes

There was serendipity reading War with Russia yesterday morning whilst listening to Rhapsody on Ukrainian Themes by Sergei Lyapunov on BBC Radio 3.

War Games

Perhaps an antagonistic bull would buy this paperback if he were a bull in an airport bookshop. The publisher (Coronet) has packaged it to make it as unappealing as possible to a thoughtful reader.

Another Diana

Estcourt J Clack sounds like a character from PG Wodehouse; a dyspeptic American millionaire perhaps.

A Night at the Opera

Monday evening was “A Night at the Opera” at the Albert Hall; my first Prom this season.

Categorised as Music

Diana Sculptures

I went to look at the new statue of Princess Diana marking her 60th birthday but did not succeed.

Categorised as Sculpture

Ragwort Revisited

Five years ago I was concerned about the spread of ragwort in Margravine Cemetery: Yellow Menace. Now the facts have changed and I have changed my mind.

Categorised as Local, Nature