At Home

For once Bertie wasn’t to blame. He’d seen a seal basking on the St Paul’s School boathouse slipway a few times and, as we say in Ireland, passed no remark.

Categorised as Local

A Ditch in a Desert

Crossword clue: a ditch in a desert (4, 5). I made that up. Real crossword clue in The Times yesterday: this won’t turn in the lock (5, 4) answer; canal boat.

Categorised as Politics

Through the Roof

That wet party, the Lib Dems, so small its MPs could meet in a ‘phone box if they were vying for a place in The Guinness Book of Records.

Red in Tooth and Claw

The peregrines nesting on Charing Cross Hospital have three eggs and some drama.

Categorised as Nature

The Siege

I’m 500 pages in; I’m in deep Chips and need a break. Instead of a Kit-Kat, I’m enjoying an Arturo Pérez-Reverte, The Siege.

Categorised as Literature

Small Sausages

In the world of Chips his friends are rich although, until he married Honor Guinness, he wasn’t, but he splashed out and relied on his father to stump up. He did.

Yesterday’s Papers

An excellent article in The Times by Tom Whipple, “Whipple on the Care of the Climate”, raised a few points.

Fulham Cross

This is Fulham Cross, essentially where the Lillie Road intersects with the Munster Road.