
The Union Theatre was a favourite when I worked in the City. Handy to walk to and they reliably staged impressive, small- scale musicals.

Seeing Architecture

Almost a decade ago I was in Chicago, en route to San Francisco and Ravenhill, perched high above the Russian River in California.

Tits or Ass?

While you ponder on which you prefer, you can get both at The National Gallery. T and A; Titian and Artemisia.

Categorised as Art

Slightly Bonkers

I try to avoid truisms but we are living through uncertain times not seen since 1940 when, instead of leaving the EU, it looked likely to come to us.

In Pursuit of Rare Meats

I’m sorry, I just cannot approve of an expedition in pursuit of rare meats and I hope few people want to see rare mammals killed. It’s pursuing animals to extinction.

Pop and Peas

My sister briefly worked for Shirley Abicair, Zither Time. I found myself at lunch on Sunday boasting I’d been on holiday with Ringo Starr’s secretary in Croatia.

School Stories

Inappropriate crying is something I do. I never squeeze out a drop at funerals and seldom at operas.

Sunset at Barons Court

A good sunset in the cemetery yesterday. I had a walk with Luna, a small, bonkers black spaniel that struck up an instant emotional rapport with Bertie. I likewise warmed to Luna’s owner.