The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham will shortly be enforcing restrictions on non-EU citizens entering the borough. The borough does not accept the UK’s secedance from the EU. It’s not clear if they respect the right of UK citizens to live in the borough but as the holder of an Irish passport I should be safe.
It’s just so Passport to Pimlico. The EU flag flies over the town hall and the council, like a randy bonobo, aspires to twin with a town in every one of the twenty-seven EU nations but “Hammersmith & Fulham councillors have a policy of not accepting hospitality. Any visits to twinned cities are at their own expense.” No doubt that’s why they have only found five EU towns that can be reached on a super-saver ticket.
Slightly more seriously, the economic disruption of leaving the UK will be conveniently masked (geddit) by coronavirus restrictions. Our government must hope that the economic consequences of both will be inextricably entwined. Indeed, there’s an international consensus on the global outlook.

Or you might look at it this way.