What Now? What Next?

Now the birds are loving lockdown. An uxorious  pair of Great Tits eat peanuts from a feeder in the garden unfazed by us. The falcons nesting aloft Charing Cross Hospital laid three eggs. One has hatched and it seems probable that the others will not. 

A friend has sent me this picture of another dromederian statue in London. It is part of the Albert Memorial; surprises me that it passed the censor, Queen Victoria.

To digress, an uxorious pair in Downing Street have hatched a baby. When was the last time a British Prime Minister in office had a child out of wedlock? Boris probably conceived his child while staying at Balmoral. I think the Queen, as Head of State and the Church of England, should have laced his early morning tea with bromide. Obviously not Herself but a nod and a wink to a Presbyterian maid. But what next?

It seems unlikely to me that cheap flights will resume until there is a Covid 19 vaccine and a passport stamp confirming that it has been administered. It will put me on a par with Bertie who has a rabies stamp in his passport. This is already having an impact on democracy. Will some 1,000 election observers fly into Ukraine again? I doubt it. OECD will have to invent a different model to ensure fair, transparent elections. It will be impossible to staff these huge missions and when, or if, it is feasible they will fall foul of climate change advice. So I was lucky to be in at the end, last year: Moldova, Ukraine (twice), Belarus and UK.

Journeys through the Channel Tunnel meet social distancing requirements so Bertie will be able to take a stroll in the Black Forest. I haven’t been there since I was sent to LRRPS in the 1970s; that’s Long-Range Reconnaissance Patrol School. Don’t tell Bertie or he will head out on long-range patrols.