Flew to Toulouse yesterday; the thirteenth ‘plane I’ve been on so far this year. The trip is a belated birthday weekend staying with friends in the Gers.
Back home the Labour controlled Hammersmith and Fulham council are crowing that they have overturned Imperial Health Trust’s plan to rationalise Charing Cross Hospital. The plan depended on re-developing part of the site as flats and I suspect that it didn’t go ahead because the appetite for building yet more flats in central London is sated. H&F council prefer to believe that they put a spoke in the wheels.

Hammersmith Bridge was not designed for heavy traffic when it opened in 1887. There has been strengthening work over the years by the council and, largely unsuccessful, weakening work by the IRA. Now H&F council have closed it to all motor traffic but it will be open to pedestrians and cyclists. They have a plan to make the bridge safe but blame cuts in funding from central government for not being able to afford to do the work.
Walking and tennis are on the agenda here to counter balance lunches and dinners.