
Sorry, today’s post is both boring and nerdy – but I am often asked how many readers come here.

A Stately Home

Houses open to the public usually fall into three categories: owner occupied, National Trust and English Heritage.

Barons Court Station

This post, written in February 2017, describes some of the features of Barons Court station. It depicts an architectural rarity, deservedly Grade II listed. Unfortunately and inexplicably some of my photographs have disappeared, so I took some more yesterday.

Eliza Lynch

Recent illegal emigrants to the UK have not contributed much to their new country so far, in contrast to 20th century emigrants from Nazi persecution, and from Uganda, Hong Kong etc.

Categorised as History

The Latest

Newsreaders on the wireless have adopted a new phrase: “now for the latest … “ and there is a clip, and it isn’t necessarily live, from a sports venue, Westminster, Gaza, Kiev etc. Well, you won’t find the latest here.

Categorised as Literature

Oriental Scenery

Earls Terrace is a terrace of twenty-five houses built in the first decade of the 19th century.

White Eagles

Olivia Manning took inspiration from her wartime service with the British Council in Bucharest for her Balkan Trilogy. Lawrence Durrell used his time with the British Council in Belgrade to write authoritatively about Yugoslavia in White Eagles Over Serbia.


When I was at school impeachment was synonymous with Warren Hastings.