A Tourist in Ternopil

Ternopil Cathedral, March 2019.

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built 1749 – 1779 and, as you will see, exemplifies Ukrainean baroque.

Ternopil Cathedral, March 2019.

The town, I prefer to call Ternopil a town as its population is only 250,000, has not had much luck since it was founded in 1544.  The Tatars sacked it twice, as did the Russians, it was burnt down once in an uprising and the Turkish army almost completely destroyed it – all this was in the 16th, 17th and early 18th centuries.

Ternopil, March 2019.

It must have seemed almost routine when it suffered severe damage in World War II. It was invaded by the Nazis in 1941 and then taken by the Red Army in 1944 when as much as 80% was destroyed according to one interlocutor. This is what we call folk to whom we speak when we are in polling stations working the room. The reconstruction is largely a recreation of the 19th century with many squares and public spaces. The theatre caught my eye.

Ternopil Theatre, March 2019.

Yesterday drove around our AoO (Area of Observation) which is rural. Today is Election Day and doubtless will be a long one.