Mr Silly

Sometimes I’m very silly. Friends came for a rather chilly lunch in the garden last weekend and one dropped something.

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Steady Eddie

Strange, I can have the windows cleaned and Bertie can have a haircut but I will have to wait until 12th April to visit Geo. F Trumper in Curzon Street.

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Through the Roof

That wet party, the Lib Dems, so small its MPs could meet in a ‘phone box if they were vying for a place in The Guinness Book of Records.

Counting Eggs

It’s encouraging to see the first green shoots of recovery in Marks and Spencer shares.

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There’s plenty of bad news around in the UK, EU and globally. Much closer to home, my home, there’s mostly good news.

Fools’ Silver

Shareholders are often victims of Stockholm Syndrome – I’m no exception.

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