A Titan

JK Galbraith’s foreword to the British edition of this novel is timeless. He wrote it in 1990 and it is as relevant now as it was thirty-two years ago; his style is faultless; not often a trait of an economist.

The Come-Back Kid

It’s back. I first went with my sister and brother-in-law for a late supper circa 1980. I last went before Guys and Dolls with an investment banker (retired).

Join a Craze

I prefer to call it a craze rather than mass hysteria. My first craze was when I was at prep school.

Don’t Tell Sid

The title of this post is an inversion of the slogan used when British Gas was privatised in November 1986.

Stick to the Plan

This year I’m going to try not to break the rules – the rules for investing my savings.

Categorised as Business

Join the 5% Club

Should you seek investment advice, Number Fifty-six is the place to come.

Categorised as Business

Oil Profit

“Quit your job. Trade in oil from home. Earn (sic) 9k a week trading in oil.”