In the Purple

Yesterday to Wimbledon with Robert. A generous friend gave us his tickets.

Fur & Feather

Fur & Feather is “Britain’s best loved Rabbit magazine” but if you are a cuniculturist you have come to the wrong place because today two guest bloggers have updates on a beagle and a falcon.

A Swift to Swallow

A few mornings ago there was a Tweet of the Day on Radio 4 about hobbys.

Levelling Up

  The peregrine falcon chick has been ringed and is a falcon; if male she would be a tiercel. This morning she jumped up on the balcony wall for the first time.


Only one egg hatched this year and the chick is now three weeks old and taking a look at the outside world for the first time.

A Swale

Almost five years ago R and I had a walking holiday in Swaledale.

Categorised as Nature