Lock-Down at Blandings

I confess I haven’t found living under lock-down a great hardship. Others, with piles in the country, you know what I mean, have taken the opportunity to improve their curtilages and undertake neglected maintenence. How has Lord Emsworth adapted to the regime?


Curious how houses often take centre stage in novels: Blandings, Brideshead, Howards End, Lorienburg, Manderley, White Ladies. I hope I can add Var-Siklod to the list.

Hungarian Rhapsody

Imprint, noun 1. a mark or outline made by pressing something on to a softer substance. “he made imprints of the keys in bars of soap” 2. a printer’s or publisher’s name, address, and other details in a book or other publication.


This graffiti appeared overnight. The tag “Koze” originated more than ten years ago in Denver but is also used by a London graffiti artist.

Titles and Forms of Address

John Tuffin asks an interesting question, commenting on Coronavirus Chronicle III: “I have always been puzzled as to why Galahad and Freddie are Honourables, and not Lord Galahad and Lord Frederick. Lord Emsworth’s sisters are Lady Constance and Lady Julia, as one would expect. Is this explained anywhere?”

Coronavirus Chronicle III

Well this year there’s something to cheer up Osbert Lancaster’s Lord and Lady Grumpy. “But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined … “ (Macbeth, Act 3, Scene 4)

Plum Pie

It was jolly chilly yesterday. Bertie voted for Wimbledon Common for a walk so we sallied forth. I find golf clubs pretty rum. In a proper club there is no Chairman’s chair in the bar but at the Royal Wimbledon there is a parking space for the Ladies’ Captain; perfect ‘tho I hoped she didn’t… Continue reading Plum Pie

Who’s Who

Oh the shame of it. It turns out I have been self-isolating for years, living in social Siberia if you will. Anyone of any consequence has caught the virus but it hasn’t sneaked into No 56 yet. The Prince of Wales has had a royal flush.

Country Life

Plenty of time to catch up on reading. I have just given up on Aldous Huxley’s first novel, Crome Yellow, published in 1921. It seems very dated. I am going to play for safety and re-read Jill the Reckless next – written by PG Wodehouse and also published in 1921.