Be Prepared

UK and Irish passports are valid for ten years. Bertie’s Pet Passport will be valid from Friday until all the pages are full or until we leave the EU without a deal. Then it becomes complicated for Bertie.

Categorised as Politics


On Wednesday evening at ExCel Boris Johnson brandished a kipper from a smokehouse on the Isle of Man.

At the Hustings

In Ukraine polling stations, where Parliamentary elections are taking place on Sunday, are called Precinct Electoral Commissions. This has an American ring calling to mind the administrative area of police stations.

Categorised as Politics

Belt and Braces

Belt and Braces is what I call China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It marks the second stage of China’s rise to out-grow the United States economically. The first was the industrialisation of China, building cities and transport infrastructure. This all happened within China’s borders.

Religious Wars

Imagine, if you will, England in the 16th century after the Reformation; a small country on the edge of a largely Catholic continent. No, no, no, I promise this isn’t going to be about Brexit.

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Women at Work

My Jameson grandmother never went to school; she had a governess. My Hill grandmother may have been to school but she was no blue stocking.

Lunch at the Savoy

On Thursday a generous friend invited me to a Conservative Association lunch party. Being the Cities of London and Westminster Conservative Association it was rather swanky.

It’s Not Unusual

BBC Parliament is a favourite channel so when Robert was out I thought I’d see if Bertie would enjoy it as much as me. We kicked off with a Bill in the House of Lords introduced by Lord “Big Issue” Bird about poverty.

Categorised as Politics

A New PM

Last night five of the six contenders to be Prime Minister were interviewed on a TV Channel that I hadn’t watched for so long that I didn’t know the password.

Categorised as Politics