Peers on Parade

There was an article in The Spectator a while back about where Peers keep their robes. A God Daughter’s father keeps his on the back of the bathroom door hoping the steam will kill the moths.


When I was on a Southern (aka Govia Thameslink Railway) train last week I wasn’t a passenger I was a “customer”.

Flag-flying News

The College of Arms keeps us informed of the correct flag-flying protocols.

Categorised as Politics

Can Eight Sheep Make a Difference?

I abhor the brutal and cruel campaign of murder and kidnapping waged by terrorist members of Hamas against the civilian population in Israel.

Categorised as Politics

From Jefferson to Blinken

We live in a democracy, others, poor things, live in totalitarian states governed by Fascists, Communists and the rest.

Categorised as Politics

From A to Z

“Stop the world I want to get off’ – it’s the title of a 1961 musical – and it’s what I’d like to do sometimes.


Like rather an unimaginative schoolmaster I am going to start with a bit of revision.

The Green Team

The Conservative Party has hit electoral pay dirt by delaying the transition to electric cars and the replacement of gas boilers.