Peers on Parade There was an article in The Spectator a while back about where Peers keep their robes. A God Daughter’s father keeps his on the back of the bathroom door hoping the steam will kill the moths.
Help? When I was on a Southern (aka Govia Thameslink Railway) train last week I wasn’t a passenger I was a “customer”.
Can Eight Sheep Make a Difference? I abhor the brutal and cruel campaign of murder and kidnapping waged by terrorist members of Hamas against the civilian population in Israel.
From Jefferson to Blinken We live in a democracy, others, poor things, live in totalitarian states governed by Fascists, Communists and the rest.
From A to Z “Stop the world I want to get off’ – it’s the title of a 1961 musical – and it’s what I’d like to do sometimes.
Lords-and-ladies Like rather an unimaginative schoolmaster I am going to start with a bit of revision.
The Green Team The Conservative Party has hit electoral pay dirt by delaying the transition to electric cars and the replacement of gas boilers.