Do you remember when there were messages like this broadcast on Long Wave? ‘Would the driver of a blue Ford Anglia, registration number xxxx please call home as an emergency has arisen.’

Wash Doctors

Never buy or sell anything on the doorstep. This rule has served me well in the past but rules are made to be broken. Wash Doctors knocked on the door and hooked me.

The Tyranny of Technology

The tyranny of technology leads to insanity – it’s a proven fact and explains why I turn to religion as a balm for the psychological wounds inflicted by my malevolent MacBook Pro and impish, insolent, indolent iPad.

Ingaret the Navigator

It’s an annoying convention that one is expected to bring a gift when going to stay with friends; a convention I often observe in the breach.


“They seek him here, they seek him there Those Frenchies seek him everywhere Is he in heaven or is he in hell? That demned elusive Pimpernel” 

Smart Money

I cannot remember if I had an Irish Post Office savings account; I imagine I did. For sure my mother opened a British PO savings account for me on Eton High Street in 1967.

I’m a Boy

Take a good look at that photograph. There’s a lot going on there.

Categorised as Technology


Yesterday I was looking at the underside of the footbridge at Richmond Lock. It was past high water but the three barriers were raised and I was trying to see how they are concealed, they were invisible and there doesn’t seem to be room. Then it happened.


At the belated St Patrick’s Day dinner I attended last week there was an interesting guest: Michael Wright, a mechanical engineer, although that hardly does him justice. We have to go back some way to understand his achievement, in fact to Antikythera in the Aegean in about 80 BC where a cargo vessel carrying booty… Continue reading Antikythera