On the Battlefield

In Chisinau in February I averred that Englishmen, perhaps not women, prefer not to talk at breakfast. Rules are made to be broken. On Friday morning over scrambled eggs, ham and black coffee I found myself discussing the Battle of Poltava with a Spanish observer.

Pottering in Poltava

As a postscript to yesterday’s post, Pamela and Tatyana (by e mail) amplify by referring to Byron’s narrative poem, Mazeppa, which, as with Onegin, inspired Pushkin.

The Battle of Poltava

Yesterday evening about twenty of us took a train to Poltava. Not a place I’d heard of which exposes my ignorance. I hadn’t heard of Tchaikovsky’s opera Mazeppa either; there is a connection.

Floating Voters

Countries in the Former Soviet Union have a broader franchise than many western countries, including the UK.

Groundhog Day

After such a lovely French sojourn it was brutal catching the 05.28 Piccadilly Line train from Hammersmith to LHR T5 yesterday morning.

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You don’t see a stuffed animal for ages and then three come along, This beaver was an unusual centre-piece at a lunch party in London last week.

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Yesterday’s treat was a morning walk terminating on a sunny terrace for a delicious lunch washed down with gallons of jammy rosé. There are sixteen of us and, remarkably, still a few spare bedrooms but only nine chose to walk. The others had tennis boot camp with Robert. 

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With the Gersois

Flew to Toulouse yesterday; the thirteenth ‘plane I’ve been on so far this year. The trip is a belated birthday weekend staying with friends in the Gers.

Categorised as Local, Travel

Viking Sky

I was in a City wine bar drinking a glass of the house white with a friend who started telling me about her holiday last month.

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International Driving Permit

I have happy memories of skiing holidays in the 1970s. The pattern was to load up a VW Golf and leave London after work on Friday evening to catch a channel ferry.

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