Democratic Deficit

I worked in the City for 39 years and made more than a few pitches to potential clients but this is the most important one I have ever made.

I want you to adopt me as your Conservative candidate and I want to be elected as your MP. Will I represent you, members of the Conservative Party? Yes and no. I want to be a constituency MP. I don’t want to try and help only the electorate however it voted, I want to represent everyone living in this constituency. The most disadvantaged don’t vote. This is the most useful thing I can do.

The Conservatives, us, want to make life better for everybody but, inevitably, there are people who slip through the cracks. They often don’t know how to access benefits, job opportunities, care and social services. The volunteers at the Citizens Advice Bureau do a good job. I want to augment them and be your Conservative Advice Bureau.

Will my manifesto get me the ticket? Will it get me elected? Dunno. I admit I don’t know many MPs, it would be like owning up to knowing all the whores in a brothel. But I wonder if MPs are able to balance their responsibility to their constituents with their attendance at the bars in the Palace of Westminster? I suggest the latter are more often visited.



  1. Your take on the Conservatives sounds like the Old School Tories who were genuinely out to help and not looking over their shoulders at Focus Groups and scrambling for advancement.A good thing that you have worked outside Westminster,unlike some,Cameron for example

  2. At last, candidate with gravitas who has lived in the world and actually knows people who have difficulties to contend with.Difficulties not considered or understood by the Government. You have my vote.

  3. I say votes for Bellew. Scalps seem to be lifted all around with FM Raab sent to the hundhaus for not scrambling the jets soon enough; suspect Raab’s Czech origins—its our national failing—procrastination. Pretty grim to be Justice min after holding one of the great offices. Hope Bertie is on board. Should be an v. interesting ride.

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