French Leave

There was a temporary parting of the ways yesterday. Robert went to Mallorca to the Rafa Nadal Academy to brush up his tennis.

I went to the Tarn to stay with friends. Let’s digress; years ago in army married quarters wives put a carton of OMO in the kitchen window when their husbands were away soldiering; it signified Old Man Out and was supposedly invitational.

My hostess’s husband is the other side of the Atlantic; very OMO; any sign of friskiness and I will be put in the guest wing.

Guest Wing, the Tarn, May 2018.

Although all essential services in France are on strike in a last ditch effort to frustrate President Macron’s evil capitalist reforms and this week there are two Bank Holidays ( V-E Day on Tuesday, Ascension Day on Thursday – a nice mix of secular and sacred)  I have seen bucolic, rustic scenes.

Bucolic, rustic scene; somewhere in the Tarn, May 2018.

Feast on that because there’s heavy weather on the way.

One comment

  1. You are a brave chap,Bellow. ..dodging the greve mobile,the pensioners rioting for a cheaper loaf and…the wines of Fronton…the rough pinard of the legionnaires. On the other hand you have Gaillac and Lot at the ready. Air France might not make it but you will.

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