Hatching a Plan

The peregrine falcons’ eggs should hatch in a few days. They have been diligent incubating so they may all hatch. This was a brief moment after Tom re-arranged the eggs. Last year there was only one chick. Meanwhile, an enterprising neighbour has hatched his own plan.

“Hammersmith Bridge. Tunnel to Barnes from Furnival Gardens. URGENT – call for volunteers. Hi everyone. In view of the lack of the lack of progress over Hammersmith bridge repairs we are going to start digging a tunnel at Easter weekend. The start point will be from the bushes in Furnival gardens and we aim to come out in the St Paul’s sports fields. We can’t really miss. Just be careful of the boys at the other end. We will need lots of volunteers to shift the soil, mud and clay. Please bring your own buckets. Wear trousers with large pockets with holes so you can distribute the soil and mud along the Thames path and around the borough without anyone noticing. We also need some volunteers to make a lot of noise in Furnival gardens over the weekend to hide the sound effects of the tunnelling. If anyone suspicious from the council or old bill turns up just whistle innocently until they’ve gone. Many hands make light work. By my calculations with the ground being so soft we could get it all done by the end of The Easter weekend.”

Sean, satire is mightier than the spade and the pen more persuasive than the pick-axe. Might you now turn your attention to the site of the Magistrates’ Court?
Site of Magistrates’ Court, !8th April 2021.

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