Lady Thatcher at Worship


Margaret Thatcher’s association with The Royal Hospital seemed to start in the 1990s. She and Denis were regular attenders on Sunday mornings sitting with the rest of the congregation. After a few years the Governor invited them to join him in his Stalls and this arrangement continued for the rest of her life.

The last time I saw her was for Holy Communion. She was frail and had a companion to assist her. There was no question of her being strong enough to go to the altar to take Communion. Her memory is kept alive at the Hospital most obviously by the Margaret Thatcher Infirmary designed by Quinlan Terry. Her and Denis’s ashes are buried in the graveyard in front of the Infirmary and there are two memorials set into the pathway.



I walked past the Chelsea Arts Club on my way to take these pictures and thought you might like to see what it looks like. I’m not sure how permanent this mural is.



Blue Bird on the King’s Road wants to remind passers-by that it is Wimbledon.




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