Mad as a Wet Hen

Plucky TM PM has been more resilient than I expected. What do you think of the deal that she says is now non-negotiable?

I have recently spoken to two completely sane, intelligent people. One wants another referendum because he, as it happens, doesn’t like the first result. The other, she as it happens, thinks that the UK would not be harmed by walking away from the EU and trading internationally under WTO rules. Both, as it happens, are paid-up members of the Conservative party and both know beyond doubt that they are right. If this were the Middle Ages one or other or both would be burned at the stake for heresy. Importantly, both are aghast at the bit of paper from M Juncker that the PM has brought back. What a change from the war (WW II) when the Grand Duke fought in the Irish Guards. He later was our colonel for sixteen years.

I find this vastly encouraging. If her deal displeases Remainers and Leavers it must surely be a good compromise? It seems to me that this deal is a compromise or a fudge, if you prefer, that will not throw the UK economy into a nose-dive. In the years ahead the UK will build trading relationships internationally while maintaining trade with the EU. In the short-term damaging economic will be limited.

It can be win-win but it may be Game Over for the Conservative government. I’m going to be mad as a wet hen if that is the outcome. If I may digress, why should a hen be wet and/or mad?

In the old south, after a hen laid her eggs she would want to sit on them until they hatch. Even if you gathered up all her eggs, she would still sit on the empty nest. So in order to “break her” and get her to lay more eggs, the farmer would lift her off the nest and dunk her in water. She’d then go right back to her nest, so this had to be done two or three times, after which she’d be mad as hell and start “fussing and scrambling about” Apparently this “broke her” and she’d start laying eggs again. (Urban Dictionary)

It beats me why Conservative MPs cannot stop fighting the 2016 referendum war, show some support for TM and prevent the UK being ruled by a bunch of Marxists. (Sorry if you are a Labour supporter. I do respect your right to an opinion that I happen not to share.)

One comment

  1. I hope you are right and both brands of complainers bottle out. Your view has united our household for the first time in a number of years. However, I fear the Tory party is finished. It is very difficult to see how the out and out Brexiters can continue to sit next to the in and in Remainers. In fact it is extraordinary that we have continued together since 1992 and the Maastricht Treaty. Will we see the cavalry appear on the horizon in the form of David Milliband and will you and I vote for him? A gloomy prospect. Will civil unrest follow?
    I look forward to a jolly festive period gnawing on this bone firstly with a pair of UKIPers and later with the “she” above. I envisage long periods banished to the dog house where I hope to find fellow fence sitters.

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