World Order

  The UK has greater influence in the world than you might expect for a small island nation on the fringe of Europe.

Downton Abbey

I doubt I will ever read Moby Dick and I never thought I’d watch Downton Abbey. Now I’m hooked on the latter.

Tory Tombola

I made a mistake yesterday. I took a black cab from St James’s Street to Tower Bridge. I thought it would take thirty minutes but it took an hour and twenty minutes.

Dish of the Day

So many “simple” recipes take ages, are fiddly and need a lot of washing up. If you agree – read on.

Cedric Morris

I have a new third cousin; an excuse to look for a postcard to send to his mother. To digress, his first name is Robert. In my quest I came across Wartime Garden painted by Cedric Morris in the Second World War.

Categorised as Art