Tory Tombola

I made a mistake yesterday. I took a black cab from St James’s Street to Tower Bridge. I thought it would take thirty minutes but it took an hour and twenty minutes.

Dish of the Day

So many “simple” recipes take ages, are fiddly and need a lot of washing up. If you agree – read on.

Cedric Morris

I have a new third cousin; an excuse to look for a postcard to send to his mother. To digress, his first name is Robert. In my quest I came across Wartime Garden painted by Cedric Morris in the Second World War.

Categorised as Art

John 8.7

I hope Louis de Bernières remembers what he wrote in 1994.

Corelli’s Mandolin

Some books have memorable openings, none more so than Captain Corelli’s Mandolin.

Categorised as Literature

Brexit Britain

When Robert Peel repealed the Corn Laws in 1846 it split the Tories and cost him his job as Prime Minister.

Categorised as Politics

À la carte

After twelve years of government it’s usually time for a change. Maybe not this time.

Categorised as Politics

Life is a Cabaret

The frocks, the flowers – oh what a thoroughly modern wedding. I don’t exactly know when I was considered too old to be a page boy at fashionable weddings in Co Louth but my career was terminated well before I had any hair on my chest or had considered the possibilities of cross-dressing. Something I’m… Continue reading Life is a Cabaret

Categorised as Fashion