A Sleeping Dog

Bertie was anaesthetised yesterday. He had a CT scan and many tests.

Categorised as Family

A Swift to Swallow

A few mornings ago there was a Tweet of the Day on Radio 4 about hobbys.

The Numskulls

At the beginning of last month we went to stay with my cousins in Essex.

Life on the Ocean … Waive

Two clues in yesterday’s Times Crossword. “London district where no one returns around cocktail time (9); No gin served up? One whisky short? He may be devastated! (5,6)” I like the way the compiler is thinking.

Levelling Up

  The peregrine falcon chick has been ringed and is a falcon; if male she would be a tiercel. This morning she jumped up on the balcony wall for the first time.

In the Wars

Beagles are supposed to be a healthy breed but Bertie is bucking the trend.

Categorised as Family

Something Fishy

And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you. (I Thessalonians iv:11)