A Walk in the Park

You probably know the Italian Gardens in Kensington Gardens but do you know about this building on the north end of the gardens?

Good News, Bad News

Only one chick hatched this year (again) and is thriving; just twelve days old and growing like Topsy.

Criss Cross

“Rayner was born and raised in Stockport, where she attended the state secondary Avondale School. She left school aged 16 whilst pregnant and without any qualifications.” (Wikipedia)

Categorised as Politics

A Rising Man

“… the Bengal Civilian who goes to Writers’ Buildings and sits in a perfect office and speaks flippantly of ‘sending things into India,’ meaning thereby he refers matters to the Supreme Government. He is a great person, and his mouth is full of promotion-and-appointment ‘shop.’ Generally he is referred to as a ‘rising man.’ Calcutta seems… Continue reading A Rising Man

Categorised as Literature


Here are some tips: never say “how are you?” to anybody over sixty; never, ever, ask if they have had problems with a printer. It is safer to ask after children and grandchildren.

The Machine Gun Corps

The Machine Gun Corps was formed in 1915 and disbanded a hundred years ago. Not because a machine gun was like a bow and arrow but because the machine gunners were absorbed into other units.

Categorised as History


We have an election here on Thursday 5th May. There have been some boundary changes but don’t let’s get bogged down in detail. Fifty candidates are standing to be councillors.