Young Mungo

Going from Angela’s Ashes to Young Mungo is like going from gin and tonic to crack. I didn’t expect to read anything more depressing about life in a tenement than AA. Now I have.

Categorised as Literature

We Have a Chick!

“We have a chick! It must have hatched around 4.45am. It was revealed a few minutes ago when Azina had to go deal with an intruder that Tom couldn’t chase off.” (Nathalie Mahieu, 16th April 2022)  

Categorised as Local, Nature

Easter Eggs

Yesterday was the 33rd day the peregrines have been incubating their eggs. It is likely they will hatch today or tomorrow.

Design Matters

  Norman Foster, Frank Gehry, Richard Rogers, Christopher Wren; the four most famous architects in the world; three British; two deceased.

Schengen Matters

When I’m at home I am not in Schengen but Schengen can be in me – a riesling from Luxembourg, where the treaty was signed in 1985.

On the Road

In June 2017 I bought Aberdeen Japan Investment Trust. Yesterday I sold out.