The Eyes Have It

Luis Buñuel ‘s 1929 film, Un Chien Andalou, has a scene in which an eyeball is slit with a razor. Arabesque, a 1966 comedy-caper starring Gregory Peck and Sophia Loren has a scene early on in which a scientist is killed by having toxic eye drops administered by a baddie posing as an optician.

Personally, I don’t like putting in eye drops and have never contemplated wearing contact lenses. Dogs often imitate their owners and Bertie has a similar robust line on eyes. He does not like them being interfered with. This came to light when he was diagnosed with conjunctivitis in one eye and eye drops were prescribed. It is extremely difficult to administer eye drops to a beagle puppy that has adopted an implacable anti eye drop policy.

Fortunately Bertie had been invited for a weekend in the country and our hostess dealt with him kindly but firmly. She wrapped him up in a towel so that he couldn’t wriggle and Robert plopped in a drop. As it happens I don’t think he has got conjunctivitis as it seems to have completely cleared up.

We had globe artichokes with hot butter last night – a favourite of mine bringing back memories of childhood lunches at Barmeath.

One comment

  1. New dog owners, like new parents have a tendency to panic. Conjunctivitis? I don’t think so. He probably got something in his eye which had disappeared by the time you took him to the vet, though the irritation it caused was still apparent.

    As a rule our dogs never visit the vet unless it is something very serious (life or death matters). Remember animals in their natural environment (the wild) don’t have the option of a Veterinary Surgeon. Other issues are easily dealt with using simple home remedies or allowing nature to take its course. There is an unfortunate tendency to pamper our pets today, but I firmly believe that a good diet, accompanied by plenty of exercise outdoors will result in a more robust animal.

    So next time Bertie has an issue don’t make a bolt to have him diagnosed & treated (unless it is something very serious). Your father & grandfather didn’t call the vet every time their labrador sneezed. And, come to think of it poor Bertie’s eyes were probably suffering from strain due to all the blogging he has been doing of late.

    Bertie will continue to give you much pleasure and brighten each and every day. I hear you have been trying to train him. Remember your dog will begin to train YOU from the first day he arrives home.

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