Thursday, Bum Day

Yesterday’s Wordle had me stumped until I thought of using American spelling.

Once I was slapdash and for my sixth and final guess had a choice of EMBER or ELDER and chose the wrong one. It ruined my day.

I think Matthew Parris won a bet yesterday. In his column in The Times he wrote “Tom Daley is a tank-topped bum-boy … ”.  That’s so David Sedaris whose diaries are addictive. Reading them is like bingeing on Maltesers, though I don’t feel sick later. Sedaris spends his life on the road doing readings and book signings from Shreveport, Louisiana, to Sydney, Australia.

Perth, January 25, 2014
At last night’s signing I met an Irishman. We talked about a diary entry I’d read toward the end of my show and he told me that his grandfather used to threaten his uncle by saying, ‘I’m going to take an iron poker and stick it in the fire until the point turns bright red. Then I’m going to shove the cold end up your ass, just so you can burn your hands trying to yank it out’.
‘It’s poetry, really, isn’t it?’ he said.”

His road shows give him material for another book and so it goes on.



  1. I noted you used ‘bitch’ as your start word, I’ve been using ‘whore’.
    Today Wordle refused to except either of these as words!
    Are we being censored by the NY Times?

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