Hatching a Plan

The peregrine falcons’ eggs should hatch in a few days. They have been diligent incubating so they may all hatch. This was a brief moment after Tom re-arranged the eggs. Last year there was only one chick. Meanwhile, an enterprising neighbour has hatched his own plan.

Categorised as Local, Nature

Gardening, from Eton to Paradise

My grandmother Jeanie Bellew (1890 – 1973) was an excellent fisherman until she went to live at Barmeath when she turned her attention to gardening. Heather Muir, who created the garden at Kiftsgate, named this viola after her friend and neighbour.

Red in Tooth and Claw

The peregrines nesting on Charing Cross Hospital have three eggs and some drama.

Categorised as Nature

Cocktail Time

Azina laid her first egg at 6.40 pm yesterday. Nathalie expects others to follow in the coming days.


There’s plenty of bad news around in the UK, EU and globally. Much closer to home, my home, there’s mostly good news.

Sex in the City

Warning. Today’s post has sexual content that may be offensive to some readers.

Categorised as Local, Nature

Falcons and Flags

Tom, our long-term resident tiercel (a male peregrine falcon) whose partner left him with her male chick last year is bonding with Azina. Her name derives from her “AZN” ring.

Categorised as Local, Nature

The Mating Season

Hitherto you have seen the former West London Magistrates’ Court from the south, protected by a modesty curtain erected by the demolition squad. Here is what it looks like from the east, from the wings, so to speak. There is a lot of rubble.

Categorised as Local, Nature